Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why I am not a fan of TV news

Two 1987 TV news stories about the Golden Gate Bridge finished off my belief in TV news.  

I lived in the Los Angeles TV market, and in May 1987, the news ran fluff stories about the 50th anniversary of the opening of the bridge, started in 1933, finished in 1937. 

In September, when the stock market crashed, Los Angeles' KABC-TV ran a ridiculous, completely fabricated story. 

Former Miss America news anchor, Tawny Little, dutifully and sad, pouty-faced read the script something like this: 

"After the stock market crash today, an urgent call went out from the San Francisco Stock Exchange to the Golden Gate Bridge Authority to be on the look-out for despondent stockbrokers who might try to commit suicide by jumping off the bridge as they had in droves following the 1929 stock market crash."

Poor Tawny may have been easy on the eyes, but I don't think she troubled herself to remember the news from one broadcast to the next, much less from May to September.  

Analysis? out of the question. The obvious question:

Where did all those 1929 stockbrokers have to wait until the bridge was ready for them to jump in 1937...?

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